
Frequently asked questions

Yes! Very few boats can be donated without a title. In Wisconsin, boats under 16′ usually do not have a title but have a registration card. The good news is we can help you replace your lost title so your donation can be accepted.

Not necessarily. If it is of value but doesn’t run, it is still welcome.

Not always. If the boat has stand alone value (like a pontoon boat) to be sold without a trailer and can be transported to us it will most likely be welcome.

We can usually sell every boat but items beyond repair may not be welcome. Disposing of “junker” boats strains our resources and takes vital funds away from our mission. Our expert crew will assess your boat and determine whether we can accept your gift.

Absolutely! Action for Southeast Wisconsin is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c) (3) public charitable organization. To receive a tax deduction for your donation you must itemize deductions. We suggest you consult with your tax adviser to better understand the effect your donation may have on your return.

The IRS has very specific rules pertaining to boat donations. The amount you may be able to deduct varies depending on its fair market value. The following two FAQ’s will help you determine your deduction.

If your boat sells for less than $500, a special rule applies: you can deduct the smaller of the fair market value of the boat or $500. For example, say your boat is worth $1,000 and it sells for $300. Since $500 is smaller than the fair market value, you can deduct $500. However, if the boat were worth $400 and it sold for $300, you could only deduct $400 because the fair market value is less than $500.

If your boat sells for $500 or more you are limited to deducting the sale price the charity sells the item for. For example, if you value your boat at $4,000 but it sells for $3,000 your tax deductible amount is limited to $3,000. If its value is more than $5,000 additional appraisal forms from the IRS may be required.

There are always exceptions to the rules. If Action For Southeast Wisconsin deems repairs to your boat would increase its value enough to warrant the work, you may be able to take a “fair market” value instead of the sale price of your donation. 

After you donate the boat, we’ll send an acknowledgment letter. Once sold, we will provide you with the required IRS paperwork for tax purposes. If your donation sells for less than $500 we will supply a donation form acknowledging your gift. Should it sell for more than $500 we will provide Form 1098-C that shows how much the charity received when it sold the boat. When you file your income taxes, you must use Schedule A to itemize your deductions to claim the donation. In addition, if the donation is worth more than $500, you must attach Form 8283 to document the donation. Boats valued at over $5,000 require a qualified appraisal. Form 1098-C requires providing Action For Southeast Wisconsin your social security number.

We suggest asking your tax adviser if you have questions concerning your tax write-off. 

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